Projects with tag


Vue is a robust JavaScript framework that emphasizes reusability and declarative syntax, making it ideal for building complex, scalable web applications.


Vue is a robust JavaScript framework that emphasizes reusability and declarative syntax, making it ideal for building complex, scalable web applications.


Screenshot or cover image from Blitz Arena Manager

Blitz Arena Manager

A full-stack web application designed for conducting over-the-board blitz chess tournaments, featuring interfaces for tournament administrators, players, and digital signage.

Screenshot or cover image from Chess Broadcaster

Chess Broadcaster

Facilitates over-the-board games by broadcasting the moves live to the tournament platform, chess24, and to a dedicated client device that presents the game to on-site spectators.

Screenshot or cover image from Portfolio


The website you are reading now. Built from scratch with Vue and Nuxt, it features a neat content structure based on Markdown files to showcase portfolio projects and CV entries.

Screenshot or cover image from Starfish Library Reports

Starfish Library Reports

Client-side web app for generating spreadsheet reports for a library system.