Projects with tag


Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript runtime that empowers developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript, offering enhanced productivity and performance.


Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript runtime that empowers developers to build server-side applications using JavaScript, offering enhanced productivity and performance.


Screenshot or cover image from Blitz Arena Manager

Blitz Arena Manager

A full-stack web application designed for conducting over-the-board blitz chess tournaments, featuring interfaces for tournament administrators, players, and digital signage.

Screenshot or cover image from shmmy Live Display

shmmy Live Display

Web app displayed at a university monitor with live info about upcoming classes, bus arrivals, weather data, and announcements.

Screenshot or cover image from Shopify to Galaxy Integration

Shopify to Galaxy Integration

Application integration system for Shopify stores that synchronizes their product catalogs and stock data with the Greek-market-oriented Galaxy ERP.