Web app for university studentsJul 2018–Jun 2021

Project description
Tool for university students to view class schedules, select courses to attend, and export them as calendar events.
I built this project as a developer in shmmy, a student community in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA.
The app draws data from ecedata for course information and class schedules and allows users to build their personal schedule, share it with a link, and export it in iCalendar format.
Technical overview
- Built with Preact , a fast alternative to React with the same API.
- Tailwind provides styling utilities.
- GraphQL requests via the Apollo library are used to fetch data from the ecedata API.
- storeon is employed as a tiny state management library.
- Parcel serves as the build tool.
Also, React Autosuggest is used as an accessible autosuggest component, and ics to generate iCalendar files.