
Python script to edit MediaWiki contentJul 2018–Jun 2021

Screenshot or cover image from shmmywikibot

Project description

Python script for updating student-run university wiki with courses and exams information.

I built this project as a developer in shmmy, a student community in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA. shmmy hosts a MediaWiki-based wiki where students collaborate to write guides for courses, tracks, and life in university in general.

The script updates a table in the wiki that tracks the exam dates and result announcement dates for each course in the current exam period, with data from ecedata.

Technical overview

  • Python comprises the codebase of this project.
  • The Click package is employed to build the CLI of the bot.
  • GraphQL is used to query the courses and exams data from ecedata.

Also, mwclient is used to run read and write operations on the MediaWiki server.