shmmy Freshers' Guide

Website for university studentsJul 2018–Jun 2021

Screenshot or cover image from shmmy Freshers' Guide

Project description

Web app that renders the wiki page of a student-written freshers' guide in a modern and easily navigable UI.

I built this project as a developer in shmmy, a student community in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NTUA.

shmmy hosts a MediaWiki-based wiki where students collaborate to write guides for courses, tracks, and life in university in general, a part of which is the Freshers' Guide for first-year students.

Some key features of the app are:

  • The long text of the guide is split into "slides" for easy reading.
  • Handy sidebar navigation.
  • Intuitive keyboard navigation.
  • Button to quickly edit the content.
  • Instant content updates via a custom webhook installed on the wiki.

Technical overview


  • Mostly written in vanilla PHP .
  • Twig provides the templating engine.
  • FastRoute is used as a minimal request router library.
  • simplehtmldom is an HTML DOM manipulation library that is employed to parse the wiki content.
  • Composer manages the package dependencies.


  • Custom theming with vanilla CSS .
  • Vanilla JS is used to implement the interactive components.
  • Pjax offers a snappy browsing experience by loading pages via AJAX.
  • Parcel serves as the build tool.

Also, swipe-listener is used to detect swipe gestures, and a11y-dialog for creating accessible dialog windows.


  • Docker deployment is supported with a custom multi-stage Dockerfile that builds an Apache-based container.
  • A Bash script is used to initialize the Docker container.